Sunday, February 19, 2006

Welcome to my new blog!

I've been wanting to set up a libraries/librarians/literacy blog for quite a while now, and today while procrastinating about grading papers I finally did it! Stay tuned for posts, comments and other neat things that are library-related...probably related mostly to academic libraries since that's the direction my career is headed, but any "librariana" is liable to show up.

You may be wondering where I got the name for this blog. This past June at the ALA Annual Conference in Chicago, I was attending the BCALA membership meeting, where I heard a talk given by the esteemed Michael Eric Dyson. I was jotting some notes in my Palm Pilot. One of the most memorable things I remember him saying was that " librarians are soldiers for literacy..." I didn't know it then, but it was at that moment, that a blog name was born!

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