Wednesday, February 22, 2006

An Athens County (OH) librarian in the news!

Librarian warns proposed tax 'reform' would gut local services

"A state constitutional amendment favored by Republican gubernatorial candidate J. Kenneth Blackwell would bring sweeping changes in local government funding, and pubic library officials say its impact would be massive."

Read more here!

Sunday, February 19, 2006

EPA Library Funds Cut 80% under Bush Budget

How do you spell idiot? G-E-O-R-G-E-W-B-U-S-H.

Yeah, I said it.

Read more.

Welcome to my new blog!

I've been wanting to set up a libraries/librarians/literacy blog for quite a while now, and today while procrastinating about grading papers I finally did it! Stay tuned for posts, comments and other neat things that are library-related...probably related mostly to academic libraries since that's the direction my career is headed, but any "librariana" is liable to show up.

You may be wondering where I got the name for this blog. This past June at the ALA Annual Conference in Chicago, I was attending the BCALA membership meeting, where I heard a talk given by the esteemed Michael Eric Dyson. I was jotting some notes in my Palm Pilot. One of the most memorable things I remember him saying was that " librarians are soldiers for literacy..." I didn't know it then, but it was at that moment, that a blog name was born!